AFAIK, unless you manage to get hold of a second hand flashed or Apple BTO 7800 or put the stock card back in - there is no other card. Garbage stock card (6600), only reasonable upgrade (7800) only available as BTO - for some time was offering flashed PC cards to the rescue, as Apple was unable to offer anything - and now ATI seems to have severe problems with the G5 version of the 1900. The last generation of G5 Power Macs (dual and quad core) was certainly one of Apple's all time lows. You had the GeForce 6800 Ultra in a G5 Quad? I have some doubts.
I don't do any gamingīut a lot of PS work so I'd like a high end card, any recommendations?
Need a card that doesn't occupy two pci slots. I had the the nVidia Geoforce 6800 Ultra for a couple of years but I